The rest is sea: the tone of Tom Jobim

The song I will analyze is wavy like the ocean and its author character sticks to this shape. In the English version, he warns the audience: ‘Don’t try to fight the rising sea’. From the author’s own hands, the translated song states the central theme of the whole project which is, not by chance, named ‘Wave’: all over the world, one of the most played song amongst the set of popular Brazilian songs.

Captura de Tela 2013-05-07 às 08.56.51

The figure above shows the first gesture of ‘Wave’. As we may observe, the tiny wave of ‘vou te contar’ (‘So close your eyes’, in the English version) is followed by the larger, inexorable wave. By singing this part one may realize that, in the song, the wave movement is as fundamental as love. Or rather, that this love is combined in a back and forth movement with wave-related elements: the sea, the breeze, the piers, the night, the stars, the city, the indescribable eternity which will altogether perform a true anthem… and ‘anthem’ seems to be the only word that makes sense to me now.  But what kind of anthem does ‘Wave’ represent?

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